French Vinaigrette Mix


Hand blended ingredients: mustard, sugar, sea salt, black pepper, garlic, fennel, rosemary, thyme, tarragon, basil, chives

Bring home a bit of France with the classic flavors of our French Vinaigrette Mix. A subtle hint of licorice from the tarragon, a pungent tang of mustard, and a dash of sweetness from the sugar bring together a delectable combination for a variety of uses.

Try incorporating into sourdough or focaccia bread for an aromatic treat. Mix together with a bit of olive oil and drizzle over grilled fish or chicken. 


  1. In a canning or pickling jar, mix 2 Tbsp. of French Vinaigrette Mix with 3 Tbsp. of warm water. Let sit for one minute
  2. Add 1/4 cup red vinegar wine and 1/3 cup olive oil to jar. Close the lid and shake.
Spices Inc